감성 홈카페 용품 글라썸 귀여운 하트 머들러

Making pink strawberry milk is complete! The color of the drink goes well with home cafe products, right? ◡̎Emotional Home Cafe Supplies Glossum Cute Heart MudlerHe ෆIt is a lamp-walking technique that is made with a torch by melting a glass rod over a heated fire at high temperature and clicking it, so it is a fine mudler ◡̎ full of sincerityThat’s all for home cafe products. Glossum cute mudler postingWhen I fill my home cafe time with sentimental tableware and supplies, I feel like I’m at a cafe with a good atmosphere, and I’m proud of the small happiness. How can the ◡̎ package be so pretty? ෆI’m going to make a strawberry latte, so I put a lot of ice in white milk and strawberry syrup. It’s mixed with ෆ strawberry ingredients and it’s completely sunk in the bottom, so let’s stir it quickly and eat it. >_<An emotional glass mudler ෆ that goes well with a glass. The more you swing, the more pink the strawberry latte becomes>_<[Muddler] Heart Muddler: Glassom – Glassom [Glassom] We sell a variety of interior accessories and lighting products that can bloom in the space. smartstore.naver.comThere are three types of lengths, so you can choose according to the length of the drink cup. I think this would be perfect, so I choose this one!It’s so pretty that it’s shiny, transparent and shiny. I like ෆ heart and pink. >_<Hygiene is also important when using mudlers, so glass materials are cleaner and better than plastic materials! It’s a light pink and heart-shaped design, so it’s simple and cute. My ෆI feel proud and happy when I have a home cafe time at Tokone. I brought a cute heart mudler that goes well with a ◡̎ home cafe!Emotional home cafe supplies are a must at home! Try using a cute heart mudler ෆIt’s made of Pyrex glass, which is strong among glass, so you can use it without worrying about hot coffee, tea, or beverages! Pyrex heat-resistant glass is used at home to microwave it for a long time or to oven when cooking. The mudler is made of the same material, so it looks really strong. 🙂

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